Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Burbank Art Fair

Sunday morning before church, and after my early jog, we went to the Burbank Art Fair. It happens twice a year and we haven't missed one yet since we've moved here two years ago. It is really quite a lovely event and the kids love it. There are a lot of hands on projects for the kids and so many different types of wonderful handmade jewelry. (Ryan has yet to buy me any) Grrr. There are also many different types of wall decor, etc.

This year I signed up with the city to receive a free composting bin. But first I have to go to a hour and a half workshop this Saturday morning. I am looking forward to putting all of our old food in it along w/ yard scraps and making my own fresh soil! Asher is looking forward to the worms.

By the Way.. In case you are wondering..Ryan's outfit is courtesy of Avery. She planned his outfit for him from his hat to his shoes. He was quite brave to wear it. (just one more reason why I love him) I told him he looked like an undercover cop trying to be undercover but failing miserably. He laughed. He said it was better than a pedophile.


  1. Hey Kathryn! Love your new blog and so happy to see you in bloggyland! :) I'm so excited for you and your worms! :) I've been dying for a worm farm! Never thought I'd say that.

  2. Thanks for checking it out! I've put yours on my blogs I follow.

  3. Sweet! Now I can stalk you. I love your comment about becoming more of a lady. Kids do put a new twist on things particularly when you hear them repeating the same things you've said. I'm jealous of the composter. You're so green. Maybe when we get out of the city I'll give it a try.

  4. you're only allowed to stalk me publicly Eryn. I want followers!!
