Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Things to Think About

While I was making my dinner this late afternoon, ...homemade spaghetti sauce, crusted bread with homemade bruschetta (w artichoke hearts)....and sauteed spinach w/ garlic.. I was listening to NPR. Listening to NPR is one of my favorite things to do while I'm making dinner or folding laundry.
(In the morning when I'm getting ready for my day or making breakfast I listen to Ryan Seacrest on 102.7 KISS FM. Sshhhhh.. Don't tell anyone.)
(Or if I'm feeling naughty 106.7 KROQ. Kevin and Bean crack me up.)

But in the late afternoon I'm much less frivolous and Pop Culture. I want to feed myself not only with good food but with unbiased news and good conversation.(with no yelling or screaming, or boob jobs and botox)

So what I heard today got my attention. It hit home for me. I know someone who I love dearly who spent part of their childhood hungry. His family was working, owned their own home, etc. It's a silent issue. People are starving and going hungry in this country and they're too proud and/or too full of shame to talk about it or get help. This person I knew used to steal food from the local grocery store to help fill his belly. He wanted to eat "cool" food and was embarrassed of his homey lunch which consisited off homemade whole wheat bread with homemade peanut butter. Nothing else. No fruit or veggies. And definitely not enought to get through the whole day including sport activities at night.

I worry sometimes what I'm going to feed my family at night. What cool,interesting, healthy food can I make? What would it be like to worry about how to feed my family.

Beautifully and well told story. And beautiful photos. Thanks NPR for not being just another tabloid and attention getting news outlet and giving me things to think about.

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