Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Avery is growing up and I might be too

My daughter turned 12 on Sunday. Since I can remember she has wanted her ears pierced. I always said 12 was a good time. Last year on her 11th birthday she said, "Only one more year until I can get my ears pierced!"
Oh No! That came too quickly! Where has the time gone??
I thought about changing the event to 14 yrs. old but Hubby said that wouldn't be fair.
He was right.

So instead of resisting change and trying to not let my daughter grow up. I decided to embrace change and embrace growth.

I got my ears pierced too!

Yes, I am a 33 year old woman whose father never let me pierce my ears. After I was 18 I thought I was cool and hip to not have my ears pierced. It made me different and "unique". So I thought. Now I realized that part of my journey to becoming a lady isn't about using outside to affect the inside. If am cool and hip or's not because my ears aren't pierced. And to tell the truth, I always secretly wanted them... but I didn't want to be like everyone else.
silly, I know

Avery making sure the marks were just right

So brave and excited!

Uh oh.... She got nervous and wasn't sure she wanted to go through with it. But did I mention I went first so she could watch me? I was a great example.

That was my brave face. The anticipation was the worst. And that was my second ear!
( That's my brave anticipation face in case you were wondering)
I know, bad example. Maybe that was the problem.

Avery, after her first ear, got queazy and passed right out!!

I guess her anticipation was too much as well!

And I wasn't even there to catch her. Down she went on the floor. I think I just caught her head.
Mother of the year that day I was not.
The poor thing didn't even know what happened and she swore it was only because she leaned too far over in the chair.
It took 10 minutes for her to get the courage up to do her second ear. She hugged onto the teddy bear the lady gave her and I hugged her from the back.
And this time I held on tight in case she went over again.
I'm a quick learner.

Yep! All grown up now.

This ladylike thing is a growth in progress...


  1. So cute that you did it together! I hear it gets more painful the older you are when you get them done. They look pretty though!

  2. What fun. I want Rebecca to wait at least till 12, too. I was 14 when I got mine done. My mom was probably around your age when she got hers done. I think she did it when my dad was out of town because he wasn't thrilled about the idea. But she was tired of kids pulling clip ons off her ears. They look great! Good story telling. I loved it.

  3. Thanks Kathy! It was a lot of fun actually. And it only hurt for seriously, a second. I hardly feel them at all now.

    D, 12 is a great age to get them done. They really know what they want by that age, are coming into their own style, and they can take care of them by themselves. And, they're old enough to remember it the experience.

    It was really so much fun. BTW, I don't think my Dad knows yet.. ssshh!
